Only the Best Supervised Visitation for your Children
Supervised visitation isn’t the first thing people want to think about when their marriage ends. But when it’s necessary, the focus should always be on what can be done to facilitate a safe and supportive environment for your child. Child Focus Supervised Visitation in Denton, TX, is dedicated to ensuring families have safe and conflict-free interactions during times of transition. Thanks to our passion for enriching children’s lives and years of hands-on experience, we exceed those expectations.
Amy K. Owen is the owner and operator of Child Focus Supervised Visitation and is a Quality 5-Star Rated Provider on Google. She is also a member of the Supervised Visitation Network and has earned their 24 Hour Certificate credential. SVN is an international non-profit membership network that establishes standards, promotes education, and advances professionalism in the field of supervised visitation. Amy K Owen’s experience includes:
- Military veteran
- 21 years of law enforcement experience
- Victim-Witness Coordinator
- Skills include criminal investigations, security operations, intelligence, public safety, and surveillance
- Doting mother of four amazing children

Owner and Operator,
Child Focus Supervised Visitation
Call Child Focus Supervised Visitation today!
If you have a heart for children and are looking for fast, reliable solutions to your supervised visitation needs without having to spend time with your kids in an unfamiliar facility, call us today! We have the necessary qualifications and an eye for what really matters to promote positive interaction so that children can have the strong parental relationships they richly deserve.
We care about you and your children. Give us a call today for a free supervised visitation case review.